If you find yourself stuck in a login loop when trying to access Radius data pages or are redirected to the EG homepage, this may indicate that you’re using a free account or don’t have an active subscription. With a free account, your access is limited to certain features, like free news articles and e-newsletters.
If this applies to you, please reach out to your EG account manager for a license activation email for your company. Alternatively, you can raise a support ticket, and our team will guide you further.
You can also try the steps below:
1) Clear your cache and cookies
To learn more, please click the relevant browser link:
- For Internet Explorer
- For Chrome
- For Firefox
- For Safari
- For Opera
2) Click this link to logout of all instances https://www.egi.co.uk/auth/?action=logout
3) Click this link to access the login page https://www.egi.co.uk/radius-dx/data/
4) Click "Login"
5) Enter your credentials and try to access it again.
If you cannot remember your password please reset it by clicking here